Supporters, Partners and Awards

We thank our financial supporters and cooperation partners, as well as those initiatives and persons form which we received awards for maths online and its German sister mathe online

Initial Support
during the first phase 1998/1999 was received by the following institutions:
Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Culture (bm:bwk),
Medienservice, Abt. V/12
Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Kultur
Verband Wiener Volksbildung Association for people's education Vienna
Municipal of the City of Vienna,
Magistratsabteilung 13 (Bildung und außerschulische Jugendbetreuung)
Magistrat der Stadt Wien, MA13
Oesterreichische Nationalbank Austrian National Bank,

Cooperation Partners
in the framework of the project mathe online im Zweiten Bildungsweg (mathe online in adults education) 1999/2000 were
Siemens Austria, Program und System Development (PSE) Siemens PSE - Programm- und Systementwicklung
Europäischer Sozialfonds the European Social Fund (ESF),
the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Culture (bm:bwk)
and the Vienna adults schools Floridsdorf and Meidling. Volkshochschule Floridsdorf      Volkshochschule Meidling

Beginning with 2002, further modules for the Mathematische Hintergründe (Mathematical Backgrounds of the German version mathe online) are developed in the framework of the project eLOPA at the Vienna adults schools Floridsdorf and Meidling. Supporters are the ESF and the bm:bwk. mathe online is used in courses within the project ODL Mathematik.

Further support
for the development of a tutorial concept is currently (2000 - 20002) granted by the
Austrian National Bank. Oesterreichische Nationalbank

as one of 8 finalists was maths online/mathe online in July 2002 out of 167 applied projects in the competition for the
Mediendidaktischer Hochschulpreis 2002 Mediendidaktischer Hochschulpreis
(University Award for Didactics and Media).

were received by:
education highway
education highway
Web Highlights
Peter Krahmers Maths Pages

University of
Dr. Matrix Award for Science Excellence The Busy Educator Award - The #1 Java Review Service Der Bildungs-Award Matroids Matheplanet

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Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Kultur
Verband Wiener Volksbildung
Magistrat der Stadt Wien, MA13
Oesterreichische Nationalbank