
maths online receives help from a number of people. Discussions about mathematical and didactical questions, tests in school classes and the evaluation of various experiences made are indispensable in the process of developing the material. Also, we would like to thank all those not named here, in particular pupils and students, who contribute in optimizing the contents and the presentation of maths online.

at the university

Stefan Götz, Institute for Mathematics, University of Vienna
Michael Grosser, Institute for Mathematics, University of Vienna
Sascha Husa, Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Vienna
Maria Koth, Institute for Mathematics, University of Vienna
Natascha Riahi, Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Vienna
Markus Röthl, Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Vienna

in school

Michael Dobes, BG 8, Jodok Fink-Platz 2, 1082 Vienna
Verena Fellner, GRG 16, Maroltingergasse 69-71, 1160 Vienna
Stefan Götz, AKG Wien, Beethovenplatz 1, 1010 Vienna
Elisabeth Hagenauer, BG Berndorf, 2560 Berndorf, NÖ
Sabine Hettinger, GRG 23, Anton-BaumgartnerStraße 123, 1230 Vienna
Karinna Huber (formerly Traxler), GRG 23/VBS, Draschestrasse 90 - 92, 1230 Vienna
Maria Koth, BG 10, Ettenreichgasse 41 - 43, 1100 Wien
Andrea Kovarik, BORG 3, Landstraßer Hauptstraße 70, 1030 Vienna
Gregor Lingl, BRG 16, Schuhmeierplatz 7, 1160 Vienna
Richard Mesaric, GRG 23/VBS, Draschestrasse 90 - 92, 1230 Vienna
Regina Niedermaier, BG BRG BORG 20, Unterbergergasse 1, 1200 Vienna
Renate Prazak, BG BRG BORG 20, Unterbergergasse 1, 1200 Vienna
Helmut Schmitz, GRG 19, Billrothstraße 73, 1190 Vienna
Irene Solly, GRG 15, Auf der Schmelz 4, 1150 Vienna
Evelyn Stepancik, Privatgymnasium der Stadtgemeinde Purkersdorf
Alois Vilim, BG BRG 13, Fichtnergasse 15, 1130 Vienna
Herbert Wieninger, GRG 6, Rahlgasse 4, 1060 Vienna
Kurt Winterstein, BRG 22, Bernoullistraße 3, 1220 Vienna
Mario Wunderl, GRG Zirkusgasse und GRG Wohlmutstraße, both 1020 Vienna

in people's education

Elisabeth Brugger, paedagogical director of the Association for people's education Vienna
Eva Holleschek, VHS Floridsdorf, Angererstraße 14, 1210 Vienna
Mario Wunderl, VHS Floridsdorf, Angererstraße 14, 1210 Vienna

Hans Christian Reichel (Institute for Mathematics, University of Vienna) was collaborator and supporter of maths online until his death in June 2002.

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